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Welcome to Aadya Reads! Stay awhile and read about how Aadya Reads came to be

If you don't like to read, you haven't found the right book

– JK Rowling

The Story

Aadya Reads was created on June 12, 2019. The idea formed as I wandered the halls of my elementary school during the annual festival of reading. The walls of each classroom were plastered with books recommended by students themselves. In the past, it had been tough to find a decent book to read. I would spend hours in the school library, searching for a good book that would hold my attention and excite me. My mom tried helping by sending me emails filled with lists of classics or books that had won the Newbery or Coretta Scott King awards. They were acclaimed but because the lists were compiled by adults, they weren't exactly books that kids enjoyed reading. This caused a lot of kids my age to despise reading. So, that summer, I decided that I wanted to make finding books fun and easy, instead of something to dread. With this simple goal in mind, Aadya Reads was created!


Aadya is a 15-year-old bookworm. As a current tenth-grade student, she aspires to be an interior designer. Having read so many books, it's hard to name a favorite title, but "The Inheritance Games" series and many of the books featured on the site come close as she only reviews books she personally recommends.


As the blog and reviewed books have grown with her, so has the intended audience of these books. Recent reviews include age ratings/recommendations as advised by the publisher.


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